Welcome to the Nisqually Meadows Community Website!
We are a community of people who own, reside or work in the Nisqually Meadows development in Yelm, WA. This website is NOT affiliated with the Homeowner's Association (HOA) Board but provides some HOA-related information as a courtesy to keep residents and future buyers informed. The HOA Board has published an "official" website and the link is provided here.
HOA Positions (For Information Only):
2022-23 Board of Directors - contact the Board by email
President: April Newman
Vice President: Melissa Worthington
Treasurer: Lena Pilor
Secretary: Rob Mendel
Board Member at-Large (ACC Chairperson): Vacant (Rob Mendel - filling in)
2022-23 Architectural Control Committee (ACC) - contact the ACC by email
ACC Chairperson: Vacant (Rob Mendel - filling in)
* ACC Committee Member: Corrine Wolford
* ACC Committee Member: Staci Dilg
* ACC Committee Member: Linda Hill
* ACC Committee Member positions are not voting Board positions, but rather research and vote on ACC requests. At least two signatures are required to approve ACC requests and we strive to respond to requests within 72 hours. Members of the ACC may also serve on the Board.
Neighborhood Map
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