Who has the best yard in the neighborhood? Vote for the best yard by submitting a comment with the address of the best yard via Facebook, this website blog or by an email to the Board. The resident with the most votes will receive a $50 gift card. Votes must be received by September 1st, 2013. The winner will be announced shortly after Labor Day. Board members and ACC members are not eligible to win this contest but may vote like everyone else.
The HOA Board is seeking homeowners who are interested in running for a Board position for the 2013-2014 year. The date of the next annual Nisqually Estates Homeowners Association (HOA) Meeting is set for Saturday, October 19th, 2013. It will be held from 9:30 – 11:00 am in the Bald Hills Conference of the Yelm Prairie Hotel. Same location as last year.
In accordance with the By-laws, there will be five (5) HOA Board positions open for voting, each with a term running until the next annual meeting in 2013. The positions are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Board Member at Large (ACC Chairperson). Homeowners do not run for a specific position. They are first elected to the board in general (the top 5 vote-getters are elected), then position assignments are decided by consensus among those elected, based on what each individual is best suited or desires to fill. If you are a homeowner in good standing and would like to have your name put on the preliminary ballots being sent out in mid-September, please send an email to the Board at [email protected] or contact a current board member no later than Friday, September 6th, 2013. We must have either an email or something in writing if you wish to be placed on the ballot ahead of time. Qualified homeowners can still be nominated and voted on at the meeting even if they are not on the initial pre-printed ballot, but they must be physically present at the meeting. Thank you for your consideration. We sincerely encourage homeowners to run for a Board position and help our great neighborhood continue to improve. This is your opportunity to get involved and make changes if you feel there is a better way to do something! Sent to the HOA Board by a resident: "Hi, I'm writing to you in hopes that you can post this complaint to the blog so that, hopefully, my neighbors will read it. I am currently surrounded by dogs. I love dogs! I don't, however, love it when my neighbors let their dogs out between 5 and 5:30 am every morning and allow them to bark themselves silly! My husband works late into the night and doesn't get to bed until around 2 am. We cannot sleep past 5:30 am most days, with our window open or closed because of the dog problem. It is more than one family. The dogs go outside and bark at other neighbor dogs and sometimes this continues for hours. One morning last week, the neighbor dogs barked incessantly from 5:16 am until after 7 am! We are so tired of listening to it. How can they not hear their own dogs bark like that and not consider the neighbors? All of our lifestyles vary and, just because you are up early for work, does not mean that your neighbors are awake. And, for Pete's sake, when you leave for work, put your dogs inside. Maybe consider muzzles if you can't or don't have the time to properly train your dogs. Please, be respectful."
Sent to the HOA Board by a resident: "Hello, I would just like to make everybody aware that on 7/2 I had 2 packages stolen off of my front porch. There was delivery confirmation on the packages so I know they were delivered to my front door. I am just sending this as a warning to others that may have packages delivered by the USPS and dropped off at their door. This is in no way meant to accuse or blame anybody, just as a warning to others."
Well, it's finally here and the weather is going to be great! This year's Community Yard Sale will be held tomorrow June 28 - 30 (Fri thru Sun). The HOA has advertised and promoted the event through our website, Facebook group and local newspapers. There should be a LOT of potential customers. Residents who want to participate can still obtain their permits from the City of Yelm. Permits are free and may be obtained simply by filling out a form at the City Administration building on 206 McKenzie St SE. Last year's Yard Sale was a huge success with over 28 homes participating. This year we are looking for even more participation and we've invited kettle corn and ice cream vendors to set up near the park on Red Fern Ct or roam the neighborhood. Hope to see you there!
On this Memorial Day, we join residents and property owners who take pause to give thanks to those that gave their lives for our freedom. Our prayers are for their loved ones left behind. Thank you for your sacrifices.
The Board would also like to announce that this year's Community Yard Sale is scheduled to be held June 28 - 30 (Fri thru Sun). The HOA will advertise and promote the event through our website, Facebook group and local newspapers. Residents that participate are required to obtain their permits from the City of Yelm. Permits are free and may be obtained simply by filling out a form at the City Administration building on 206 McKenzie St SE. Last year's Yard Sale was a huge success with over 28 homes participating. This year we are looking for even more participation and we're inviting food and ice cream vendors to set up near the park on Red Fern Ct or near one of the entrances. We would like to thank all the homeowners, residents and property managers who have joined the Nisqually Meadows Facebook Group. It is the place to go if you want stay informed and participate in what's happening! Click the brown Facebook icon below or cut and paste the link in your browser to check it out: www.facebook.com/groups/263688730338253/
It's been great weather for a glorious holiday. We hope everyone enjoys a wonderful Easter or Passover. As our weather continues to improve, please be safe and lookout for your neighbors. Let's keep the neighborhood bright and beautiful. :-)
As Winter comes to a close and Spring is around the corner, we hope that the warming weather rises up to meet you. There is truly a lot of good news to report and the Board is very optimistic for the upcoming season. Thank you to all the homeowners who paid dues on time. We had a record year for for dues paying and the Board promptly filed liens on those that did not pay dues or fines. We are getting ready to make some improvements to our community park and the irrigation system in the main entrance area. As always, we appreciate your input on any matters. In fact, we also are looking for homeowners who are interested in serving on the Board, If you have a desire, please let us know. There are two positions to fill and any help would be appreciated. Part of keeping our property values rising means that we need people who care about the neighborhood and can commit a little time to help out. If you are interested, please contact the Board.
Reminders about the ACC Guidelines: 1. Waste/Recycling Containers should be kept out of sight on non-collection days. 2. Trailers/RVs/Boats may not be parked for more than 3 days at a time. 3. Any changes to the outside of your property require ACC approval. 4. Dogs/Children are NOT permitted to play in the drainage fields. Thank you for your cooperation! A vehicle prowl/break-in was reported to the Yelm police today. It occurred on Fri/Sat night (Jan 18/19) near the cul-de-sac at the end of Red Fern Ct. Please be alert in the neighborhood for suspicious activity and report any to police. Vehicle prowls have been on the increase in Thurston County and Yelm. Let's see if we can help the police catch the criminals by being observant and reporting any suspicious activity. Let's also try to prevent the activity by making our areas a less attractive target for prowls. Please remember to secure your vehicles and not leave valuables in plain view.
This is just a friendly reminder that the 2013 annual assessment of $152.50 is due no later than January 15th, 2013. After that date, interest will start to accrue at the rate of 1% per month or any portion thereof (12% per annum). Liens will be filed 30 days later on properties with any balance due. Please help the HOA save administrative expenses by paying your assessment on time. Timely payment of dues saves us all the time and expense of continued billing and lien filing. A big thank you to all the homeowners (52/120) who have paid their dues thus far.
We just want to take a minute to wish all our residents and homeowners a very happy and safe holiday this month. Let's help keep our neighborhood safe by looking out for each other as we wind down work schedules and go about our holiday activities. For those who are interested, we've recently posted the minutes to our annual meeting and the most recent board meetings. Also, the annual dues billing statements were emailed and/or mailed out last month. If for some reason you haven't received it, please let the Board know, and we'll resend it to you. Thanks to all the homeowners who have paid their dues so far!
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January 2022