In accordance with the By-laws, there will be five (5) HOA Board positions open for voting, each with a term running until the next annual meeting in 2013. The positions are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Board Member at Large (ACC Chairperson). Homeowners do not run for a specific position. They are first elected to the board in general (the top 5 vote-getters are elected), then position assignments are decided by consensus among those elected, based on what each individual is best suited or desires to fill.
If you are a homeowner in good standing and would like to have your name put on the preliminary ballots being sent out in mid-September, please send an email to the Board at [email protected] or contact a current board member no later than Friday, September 6th, 2013. We must have either an email or something in writing if you wish to be placed on the ballot ahead of time. Qualified homeowners can still be nominated and voted on at the meeting even if they are not on the initial pre-printed ballot, but they must be physically present at the meeting.
Thank you for your consideration. We sincerely encourage homeowners to run for a Board position and help our great neighborhood continue to improve. This is your opportunity to get involved and make changes if you feel there is a better way to do something!